Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A perfectly good blog ...

And it’s just sitting here. It’s got a good name.

And yet I’m not using it.

I’m not using it because I learned the hard way that having multiple blogs can be a bad idea. Other people do it and do it well but ... I didn’t.

You can have, I think, three kinds of blogs:

  1. A blog where you just publish thoughts just ‘cause.
  2. A blog built around a personal project.
  3. A blog to promote a cause.
My primary blog is the first kind. I have a secret blog of the second type. This one was also of the second type but it had elements of the third too. 

I think what I want to do with this one is turn it into a style blog. Type 3: A blog to promote a style. On my other blogs I’ve tended to be eclectic and attempted to be profound. I think I will turn this one into something more surface oriented. 

As I’ve written on my first blog I’ve come to realize, to my surprise, that I’ve been remarkably consistent. My views haven’t been fixed, they’ve evolved and devolved. But I was worried about something else. I thought they might be ... random. I worried that I had no core. It turns out that is not the case. To my surprise, I have a style and it is something I’ve been remarkably consistent about without realizing I was. (And it’s not just me; people around me think I have a style too.)

Going forward, I’d explore what that style is. At first glance that may look like narcissism. And, fair enough. But here is why I don’t think it is: I don’t think I invented this style. I think I picked it up.

At the same time, it’s not quite some other styles. It’s, for example, preppy. It’s not Ivy League. It’s close to Trad in spirit without quite being that. It has a heavy element of Yacht Rock in it. So, is it anything at all? Well, that’s what I hope to find out.

Parts of this will seem, if not narcissistic, a tad self-involved. Oh well.

A redesign is coming but I want to have some time to think about it. For the time being I’ve applied a theme Blogger calls “Simple.”.

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